Friday, April 10, 2015

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and The Natural Learning Ability and Vocabulary

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and The Natural Learning Ability and Vocabulary

As I have stated, interventions are giving specific directions for a child that has a attention disorder. This, in itself reveals the problem, a simple one if we allow ourselves to look at this in common sense. A child has developed an experiential map, their memory, that distracts them from using an innate ability to sense the direct physical world around them.  We can understand this, because this is how the child learns to crawl, for example. And, that by the third grade, that potential we could see in their earlier years, somehow begins to fade. 

This in itself reveals the problem. A memory that is used to process information, directly or indirectly, meaning as described through words and numbers, or what is physically right in front of the child -  this memory is out of sync with practical reality. This is not difficult to understand when one slows down and sees that the cause of such a separation and the means to solve this separation are evident in the problem overall. And, a problem is really an equation, just like in math. A problem is a collection of perspectives, or information, conceptual shapes and forms, and these can be looked at as parts and then ordered in a way that gives direction. What complicates this is value judgments, which can be beliefs about how one defines oneself. The definitions one has about oneself  may not fit into practical reality. An example of this is to think of rejecting some activity, like gardening. Is that rejection based on fearing to be defined as an idea one has about gardening or that becoming this may detract from one’s desired idea of oneself in the eyes of another?

We all have emotional values we project into our world. Our children take in these values, as their ability to absorb their environment is great. So, if a parent, for example, is standing in the kitchen and the dog comes rushing in and jumps on the parent, and the parents reacts by waving their arm out to push the dog away, or even punish the dog with the arm movement, and shouts out words such as “ NO! GO AWAY!” then the child will imitate this behavior at another time. The child will take that whole form, the words the actions and copy the same thing. A parent will not realize that this is what the child is doing at a later time when the child imitates this behavior. The child will stand next to the dog and wave its arm and attempt to speak in the same tone as the parent had done. The child will speak loudly, wave its arm and unintentionally hit that dog. The parent will then reprimand the child, telling the child to not hit the dog, or even show the child how to pet the dog. The child is naturally completely confused, because they are being told that they have done something wrong when all they did was imitate the parent. This would naturally build insecurity in the child, leading to a lack of self trust. And, this takes time to correct, which means taking time to correct when that time could have been used to learn, to continue to absorb an understanding of how the world works, this practical physical world. I mean, this is where we live our lives - after life or no after life. It does not matter. We live here, we become adults here.

Back to my starting point. Obviously the cognitive maps of our children are not equal to the practice of living in a physical world. These reflections of what is placed as a measure within us, are not what gives the child a direction that allows that potential in the child to grow. If we look at media and the measure of value it places within the child, and a media that is much more prevalent in spaced repetition in our world today than say a hundred years ago, we can see that the cognitive behavioral maps in our children are of a memory that is filled with measures that in no way ground the child and their potential into reality. And, we have schools collecting data on these behaviors, which is no different than trying to fathom the function of a tiger from looking at that tiger in a zoo. It is impossible to realize the potential of that tiger in a zoo. It is impossible for a child to reach their full potential, as a human being, in a classroom, a box where knowledge and information can be formed in limited ways, in the interests of what has become a society structured to accumulate vast amounts of wealth, a society that has wealth accumulation entities that would rather there be no competition, thus placing limitation in human development is in their self interest. Yet, we accept this when we allow this. And the children are suffering because of this. We can blame no one.

One could say that our cognitive maps that determine our behavior, which we see all around us so we need no professional to validate this for us, - our cognitive maps- are like the memory on a computer, they fill up. If the inFORMation is not clear , like the example of the dog, as in not what is of a clear direction, then the child does not consider enough aspects of reality and ends up making many mis-takes that cost in the development of the child, because it takes time to correct the ‘ lie by omission’ information ( I say this because the information does not appear to necessarily be ‘ bad’). In other words, a structure has been placed in the child, yet this structure is not what enables the child to attend to reality. Prevention is the best cure, especially in that it takes time to correct bad habits, and habits stem from thoughts that lead to actions that create the habits and build the character. So, the time to create the habits will need time to correct. If we do not understand this, and we punish a child, the child then becomes the punishment as a belief in who and what they are. The only solution is to ground each movement into a practical action, which means taking the time to explain in clear ways, because this would then build a child who has a well informed memory, a cognitive map that directs the behavior of the child in effective and structured ways that then allows the full potential of the child to express itself.

Thus, cognitive behavioral therapies will be the process of redirecting the attention of the child back into the practice of living on a physical planet. It is that simple. A school cannot do this, by design they simply do not have the time. The person who can do this is the parent.

This is where Techno Tutor comes in. It rebuilds that chaotic cognitive behavior determining map using the understanding that all research into what  effective people have, through using words as the structural means to focus the child within and without, to structure the child into the detail of living a potency of seeing this actual world they must interact in to be effective adults. 

As I have said, there is a very old word that makes this clear, this is the word that is an acronym; ABraCaDabra = we are the words we know.

Because we have a world so filled with emotional reactions of limited information before practical application, which means being directive in building awareness with clarity about this physical world, we need something to help us help ourselves. We can use technology to help us reform our cognitive maps to reform our directives as our behavior, to build a child who can communicate clearly, use language in ways that order and structure the within, to match the without as this world that child must participate within to reach their full potential. This technological tool is Techno Tutor. 

Techno Tutor is the ultimate cognitive behavioral therapy, the ultimate helper for parents who can see that deep inside that confused child is a person who wants to come out, a presence in that body who was there when they were very young, a presence that keeps trying and trying to come out, but does not have the structural directives to order its own expression, its own presence into what would enable that presence, that is so unique, to look the parent in the eye and smile that huge smile of joy at being here and living with you. You decide. The means to help you help yourself and your child is here.

Thank You for reading. Much appreciated!

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