Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Words and numbers as coping skills. Do we lack focus ability because of memory? What does the dis-ease of ADD attend to?

Words and numbers as coping skills. Do we lack focus ability because of memory?

Words and numbers are coping skills, without them we lack the tools of defining/definition. As a consequence, we cannot recognize the words and read the paragraph and make sense of the text, and answer the questions or direct ourselves with the in-FORMation of the text. We cannot even relate that inFORMation to reality because we cannot make sense of it because we do not know the words. Perhaps, we think we know some of the words, but if we learned a word, for example, listening to spongebob, or playing with another child that had watched spongebob, then we might not have learned a clear meaning to one of the words in the paragraph. And even here, look at the word para-graph. Words on a page are a para ( projected) graph as a description. The words are one and equal with building understanding and delineating the world around us so that we can COPE here, so that we have a direct memory, here. I mean, one can cook a meal in one’s head, but that does not put a meal on the table, one must work with the physical world to actually cook that meal and place that meal on the table. One can read about cooking, and one as this, learn about cooking, but this only helps one if one can read the words, order them and then use the INFORMation within to direct oneself. I mean, writing is a cool way to share information, especially in a world where apprenticeships no longer exist. But even in an apprenticeship, words are measure of space, as ingredients, is important.
As this, a paragraph is much like a memory, a picture, of the actual physical world we are in. If we realize this, we can see that the para-graph is words that graph  description, in that it imparts inFORMation-about /describes-how to under-stand what is right in front of us, as we walk in the physical world around us, as we go to school, as we go to work, as we interact with one another. So,  word recognition that has clear meanings to each word, and a broad vocabulary, enables a child to under-stand any para-graph read/heard, and as such has developed coping skills. And, it is to realize that memory is a “ playout” system of assembled information that, if an accumulation of unclear meanings, and/or an assembly of compound pictures - like spongebob - becomes an inFORMation database it will take years and time to sort out and clear up to the point where the child can cope.
Here, think of our memory as a carrot on a string, a meta-physical/para-graph assemblage of our exposure in our first seven years. Is our memory clear, is our memory a direct memory? Is this memory equal in under-standing/self-direction capacity? No. It is like a memory that is a ghost in the machine that is a data base that we reference that has no real clear directions.
Yet, physically, we are using this, we are relating to this memory/data base. So, if a child cannot read a para-graph, they are obviously out of balance of common sense, of equal balanced sense of themselves, and the information in front of them. This means that they cannot balance themselves out enough to be divergent thinkers. They are, “ out of whack.”
Yet, they are actively assessing with their data base as their memory. So, something, a sensing self, is present looking at the memory and looking at where they are. This must move very fast, because to be in the process of balancing this out, means that something is aware and directing. As time goes by and years are lost, the child becomes an adult that wasted time sorting all of this out, losing development time that allows the child to learn a skill and then go out and make a decent living. If not, the parents end up taking care of that child for years. And time is money.
Now, we can begin to understand why parents will pay thousands of dollars to send their children to private schools, and tutors, because they understand that words and numbers with clear direct meanings are the building blocks, are coping skills.
So, how do we access the “ reader” that has an attention divided between an unclear/compound image memory and here? How do we clean this up? ( It should have formed from the beginning as such!)  How do we get the child to have a word recognition that has clear meanings so that child can cope with reality and as this build self trust, self esteem, self confidence?
How do we develop a direct memory? How do we get the abstract as memory equal to the concrete world?
We take the “ sensor” self, and we practice that focus onto words and numbers, without any other values attached as pictures, and we then give a direct meaning that is practical, bypassing the memory, building a memory that is an abstract of the concrete world.
Thus, reactive behavior, is a gift, because it shows us where the child is unclear, where the child has not sorted through what inFORMation they have accumulated as memory in such a way that that information makes practical sense enough to direct them.
So, if we move at the sensing self, natural learning ability speed, we can get the words through the “ carrot on a string “ memory, remediate - just as a dancer must practice a move until it is understood physically/ and a horse trainer must show that touch is not harmful - and plug in a clear meaning/directive to the point where word recognition becomes the cognition ( awareness) of the child. As such, the child develops a direct memory. Their building blocks as the words they know are clear, unfettered with values of good and bad,  and/or of compound pictures that they do not understand in detail ( like spongebob). We build a child, who has coping skills as the words they know.
With the stress of daily life, with the form of our public schools - one teacher  ( I cannot blame the teacher) with many children in one room - with the incessant impulsing of media, we are going to have to use technology to refocus our children, to reach that natural learning ability and place in clear direct meanings to what are our coping skills: words. Here, we build a direct memory, one that is clear, as the place within as memory, our abstract data base, that is substantial because it is clear, it allows a common sense as the within being equal to the without.
Within this, it is going to cost money. Everything costs money, our public schools cost money, any education costs money. But, if we understand how we are in-formed, this child development can cost very little in comparison if we begin to understand what is not understood, that what is placed within the child is what comes out, but that that “ placing within” shows the natural learning ability of the child, and that this can be redirected in ways that build a stable, and practical child. 
If word recognition skills are clear, then the child will have the tools, and the unburdened tools, as words, and be able to think in divergent ways, just as they could before they left kindergarten and moved up into the third grade, where what was unclear accumulated into an unclear memory and slowed them down, separating them from their own innate common sense.
I did not learn to sight read musical notes to the point where I could see the rise and fall of the phrase, and the form of the symphony through pictures and values. I practiced the form in all its simplicity, I became equal to the slightest movement, in practical common sense. As this I was able to process the symbols as the notes at a high speed, see the patterns, instantly read the form and generate meaning, even playing with the form, shaping it in other ways to look at it in other ways. My focus was direct, my understanding clear.
Moving from this, into the public school system, was shocking to say the least. Imagine seeing a child stare blankly, without any understanding? It is because there is no real understanding placed into the child, they lack the building blocks, as the coping skills as the words they know. They cannot generate meaning because they do not have a broad and clear vocabulary, a direct memory. As this, to not build this in a child, is in effect criminal. And it is the responsibility of the parents, because they are the starting point of the development of the child. A lack of this development, will leave the parents with an adult that they will end up taking care of, because the child will lack the building blocks as words as directives that allow them to process information and direct themselves, which is a human being having the skills to cope with life.

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