We as parents, and as individuals choosing our friends, assess another child or person as we interact with them, making a decision as to whether we want to befriend them.
This means that we assess the measure of the person, we assess their personality. We watch the very way they move. The way they move is the information of them. It is a story of their exposure and development. It is their ‘ legend,’ their ‘leger’ their measure.
This means that what we are using in protection and self defense, to and towards our own understanding as our measure, as our exposure, is matching another’s measure, which is their exposure. This means that we realize the value of having a measure, a measure that becomes our persona, our personality, forming our character- that which we believe is a measure of value.
Do we race within this so much, to such an extent, that we do not realize the ends to the mean? Does this slight difference, because it is a slight difference in many ways, cause the chaos of judgement that are responses of defense instead of understanding and solution?
The consequences of this, has narrowed the focus of each, onto what is a good, yet what is a limited measure, where we compete for information, for measure instead of realizing that what we are doing is the means to the end that we are seeking. We are seeking to inform ourselves and our children, yet we are caught in building through finding others we believe have a measure that will advance our measure. And we forget that this is what we are essentially doing! Thus, we end up moving in a slow motion of limited in-formation, instead of slowing down and realizing that we are seeking more measure! We are seeking more understanding!
On the side of this, we can realize that we become habituated in our measures; we become fixed in our measures. These measures, as the personalities, do give us some security, some ability to self direct in ways that allow us to survive. So, ask yourself within this, can someone who moves as survival only really be moving in constructive critiques of the information outside of a narrow focus - that has become habituated - into assessing information and creatively coming up with new ways of doing things that improve life? Is this not the ability of that which moves as choosing measure to connect with as the people around us? If this that assesses in a narrow focus only, moved outside of what is known, and had no fear of doing this, would what men can do so well as finding new ways of doing things, expand that measure within? Is not a ‘ comfort zone’ an understood measure? Yet, is not our ability to assess, to select measures to befriend as the people around us, that same thing that can move outside of comfort zones to expand into discovering new things?
If we are this, must we fear what is the means to the end? Can we use this to educate, as educe our within to be flexible and reform ourselves to enjoy all men, no longer having to move in limited selection from a starting point of survival only? If we understand this, really see this, need we fear what in-forms as the personality of another may influence into us? Or, as we realize this, do we realize our own selective ability is our response ability, meaning nothing need define us as we naturally can choose how we are formed which means we by nature can change? We can restore through our ability to inform ourselves. We can realize our own fluid natures and assess our surroundings without fear, and instead reform ourselves in every situation to move in more creative ways, having fun, really participating in life, because this is what we all want. Why? Because it is fun! We are uncertain and afraid when we do not have the structure to direct us; we are happy when we are focused completely, coming up with new ways of doing things, or simply to really understand something, to direct ourselves in self responsibility. Ironically, what we seek is self responsibility - the ability to respond in ways that allow us to participate!
We also understand that our bodies build a neurological net work. That neurological network is our ‘ net worth’ - so to speak. It is the measure of our exposure. Thus, the more opportunity we have the greater our neuro-logic, our net- measure. Logic is like the wheel of information we have had the opportunity within to reflect an take in. It is the ‘ wheel’ we assess. It is the personality we become, because we use this information to self direct. What is this neurological net measure, we soundly constructed? What if this were well ordered enough that we felt secure within this enough to then retain that which built this, that which absorbed this, that which assessed this, as our natural learning ability, to NOT ONLY move as that ‘ net worth/measure’ and also continue to assess what is around us- that is opportunity!- like when we drive a car? Meaning, the structure of the car is set, we then expand our awareness, our fluid assessment making ability, our natural learning ability, into/onto the horizon around us, just as we do when we assess what children we would rather our children interact with? What if we could build such a sound neurological net measure ( personality) within that built a character that feared not being what men can do so well when secure, which is being self responsible, self directive ( driving a car?) in ways that allow each to give that care we so want to give to our families- for example?
Because of the present society, and because of what means we have at present to inform us, we can use what men use to communicate. we can use the things as the forms as the words to build a sound mind; a neurological net worth that gives us the self responsibility we so desire to allow us to communicate in our relationships - jobs/family/community- in ways that bring out what is innate within each and every one of us, a desire to participate in living to our fullest, because we are happy when we are focused and doing, we are happy when we can participate and live. Living means being involved with the world/word around us, not fearing to participate in doing and communicate with the world around us. After all, the magic is in the doing, and when we are doing, as in creating, as in solving problems, we are content and this is a comfort zone that can withstand the test of time!
Hence, we can use technology to help us help ourselves, we can rebuild our neurological net worth using words, because they are things, they are exposure, they can restore our natural ability to change as what assessing is, to create a net-worth, a measure within, that creates a legend of self responsibility to pass onto our children so that our children can become their full potential to create and do in ways that make all our lives reach their utmost potential. We decide, the means are here. The tools are here, to self empower ourselves to become characters that have what it takes to live a life of potential realized! Is this not the legend we want to leave behind? What is your neurological net worth?
What is a sound mind?
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