When we physically integrate something we know it, we do not have to think about it. Meaning we can view that ‘ inform’ with ease, meaning we can be aware of the form of it AND extend our awareness onto other things. This is how one learns to play an instrument, as the awareness acclimates to the form to such a degree that the awareness, as that which is educed, knows it so well, it can check and balance and, quantumly , move to add more awareness into form. This can be towards something physical , or abstract information, which is built of words, like a picture viewing of form described through words, as this is what we do with words.
This is why we learn, or how we learn through spaced repetition. Yet, what happens when we become stagnant in a set body of information? And what happens, within this, when we become comfortable within that set body, and become lazy in our ability to change, as in take in new information?
And what happens, when we forget this, and we are around others, who have a completely different measure? What happens when we do not really look at this process of how we learn, how things are integrated within us to the extent that they direct how we move, and what we like because we like things we can understand in our busy worlds, meaning we like people who move in much the same manner as ourselves, because we enjoy recognizing things, hence we enjoy it when we recognize a way of moving that is similar to our own, which means we are recognizing information directing the body that is similar to our own, or that we can understand and feel comfortable around. I mean, the Harem effect is an indicator of this kind of action, it is a recognition of a collection of values that determine the movement of a person, where another has a similar experience, and or believes they do not have that value expressed as how a body directs self, and want to be near that which they recognize, either in desire or the comfort of recognition that is the comfort of similarity. I mean, we also know we do this, when we are attracted to another because we believe they have something that we believe we need to move into a direction that will bring us what we have decided we would like. In all, it is reading the information , as the measure of another. Which means we become the measure of what we believe, and we imitate the measure. Here one must realize what measures of information are directing one’s self; if one is directed by a short term ideological gain or is one directed by what understands this process and realizes the only choice is to do what is best for all. The entire community and environment around us is a place where we enjoy how we understand, how we self develop, and fear not to follow what we are inclined to become aware of, and realize that no one thing is more than another, and that the joy is in doing and being here. We can understand all this and no longer fear to move in a self honest way. And, we can understand how we get caught in a focus on a lack, as what is wrong, instead of moving into what resolves a limitation to give it the freedom to realize solutions. Overall, this is processing information.
Yet, if we become a fixed measure of information, and because we associate to that measure, having forgotten how we became that measure, because we are not born with this as we are not born with language, do we begin to associate to that measure only, to the extent that moving out of that measure appears to be very difficult? And, would such change move so slowly at first, because we are so caught in that measure, it is like riding on a train so fast that one can no longer see what is outside the train window? This is essentially what happens when one follows information without realizing it as information, as a reflection of a measure of the reality around us, and forgets that from which that information comes! And this is why children can learn so rapidly, because they do not have enough information to follow, yet.
Yet, what if we integrated information to the point where we retained an ability to be aware of how this works, what is happening as this, and remain aware of what is outside the train window? Is this not what real critical and creative thinking skills are and do? Is this not the ability to assess one’s measure AND the surrounding values in the world around us? Is this not what would build a confident and stable society that did what men can do best, when calm and secure, which is to come up with new ways of doing things that reorder in ways that make life fun and creative?
As we see in the world around us, most of us, which is probably 99% of us, move by association, by a memory of information that we have forgotten is just this. The information is not necessarily bad, yet if that is only what is believed to be what is real, then the disconnect causes a problem, and we end up only seeing a lack/ the problem/the limitation because our information is through a lie-by-omission, and reality is not assessed, and the qualities of others are not recognized, which causes harm, and becomes a form of bullying on the life that is us. Life requires a symbiotic understanding and respect, which is to investigate what is around us, to consider it and include it, in order to maintain our physical existence. As it is , we have a growing elephant in the room, of all manner of cognitive disorders, like a growing debt of dis-used creative ability that is desperately trying to sort through a whole body of information that lacks any real formulated directing capacity- because we become the information that is impulsed from our environment. Just look at the bubbles of television, informing us within a system of wealth accumulation, that has been touted again and again until it is believed to be a truth, as we can see that we are programmed with the measure we accept and allow. It is embarrassingly simple. And it is right in front of us every day.
Hence, some of us are ‘ of ‘ enough information that we manage to get a job. Others, and this is growing, are of such cognitive dissonance that we have not developed fine motor skills, which means the parents do not understand how this works- and this begs the question; ‘ How come we send our children to schools, when that same system did not teach us how this all works?, How come we believe that our public school system actually taught us anything, when the public school system, by design, at the moment, actually touts a set body of information that builds an associative body of information that turns us into that racing train that no longer can assess the world around us and consider what wold be best for what is a symbiotic world that cannot work as a monoculture? And, to add, why do we not see that all racism and culture and national conflict is caused by a lack of understanding this? Again, it is embarrassingly simple. When something is complicated, it means we are on that train, racing away, no longer grounded in what we are, which is being here on earth, a physical symbiotic world, filled with so many values, that allow us to create and really live if we got off that train of information and assessed the physical world and realized the value is living.
Another consequence of building a memory of limited information that is then followed ONLY, which is associative thinking, because it is strings of information like a quantum map, like an inner GPS, like a structure of information within that is in separation from a practice of assessing that information with the world that is here in which we live, are behaviors of rejection and fear, insecurity and bullying, because the information is not enough to direct in ways that cause fewer mis-takes on what it means to live on a physical planet. Hence, one develops a fear, an inferiority to reality, and tries to find ways to feel superior, to justify as to place all blame on everything that does not fit that body of information made larger than the life outside that train of thought. Many of us realize, that many of the behaviors, those fires our schools spend so much time putting out, that the inform, as the information within the child, or the adult, is not of a structure that is sound. And those who have a somewhat greater structure, that is still only a train of information rushing without reflection of what is outside that train, are so stagnant in their information ‘ train of thought’ and so habituated, that change appears to be impossible. And, if one fears changing this, because one fear losing one’s job, then one is choosing what is essentially a crime against life. And for this there is no excuse as that child has no power to change this, only the adults have the power, so to punish a child for a lack, is really the adult being annoyed that they have to change what they understand on many levels what they are doing- that child is a reminder of the limitation the adult accepted and allowed and knows they are allowing on some level, way deep down inside underneath all that mis-information.
And, realize, punishment is hence in no way a solution. One can only reform the inform, which takes time, as correcting a mis-take takes longer than to have learned something correctly in the first place. Hence patience is needed and a sense of security that one can practice something without being judged, as the only solution is to rebuild. Learning means practice of bringing one’s presence, as what is educed to sense the forms without and within, into creation as the physical world around us, and what associative trains of information we have accepted within that no longer reference all things- and remember that a child references the without and the within, or they would not learn to crawl and to walk. And, that when we learn to drive a car, we physically integrate that structure, and automate it, checking it with a part of ourselves, and then expanding ourself into/onto the world around us.
Because the human race is so hued with limited information and racing as trains of thought structures as information structures, which is associative thinking only, and the means of this is words, we can rebuild our measure within, creating a very sound structure of inform that allows us to assess ourselves as this inner structure and the world without, so we can become aware of what is around us, in the abundance of its qualities, and stabilize ourselves in what we are, which is physical bodies on a physical world, that which is outside that train of information that informs us. There is a tool that is much like an abacus, it is an abracadabra abacus- so to speak. It is a technological tool to rebuild one’s measure, lending an understanding of how this all works and building a sound mind, so that one can access the inform of information as that train of thought, and the without world outside that window of information, building a human being that is secure and confident in the world because they have the structural means to realize how this all works.
We all need each other, because we are, on a physical level, the parts that order the whole. If each is at ease with processing information, that train of information within , that is also able to assess information without, then we are aware of one another, and realize the value all the parts allow in understanding many perspectives, where we are at ease, because we are grounded in reality.
I would suggest purchasing this tool, that is Techno Tutor. And yes, things in this world cost money, yet it is supporting those who are standing and explaining this again and again, and supporting those who ensure that this tool is consistent and ordered in ways that enable all access. The cost of cognitive dissonance is much greater than the cost of this tool. Do not wait until that train leads to a crash that, in this system, can take everything one believed was stable, because it is not. In a world where China has more honor students than America has students, I would make sure that that train of thought, of information in my child and myself, was working in ways that caused fewer mistakes and greater directive capacity, enough to ensure that child has a job, and produced children that, because they understood this, were in every moment able to assess the world without, and their own train of information within which is to not fear change.
You decide, stop waiting, as only you can put Humpty Dumpty back together again and as a parent you are responsible for the inform of the child. Listen to our stories of metaphor as our fairy tales , as they tell us what we have accepted and allowed, and how the formation of them are written, with inflated values, by a victor of self interest, who is within a train of thought, as belief, that has no real consideration of the value being life, a life that is physical. The information we accept and allow moves as a train of association is limited information and causes us to blame and spite what does not fit into it, because we have allowed this to become larger than life. One way to realize how much one moves as limited information is to go out and try to learn something new. How hard is it to change? And yet, this is your natural learning ability. Where did it go?
We can reprogram our DNA with words, which makes sense, as words are a measure of understanding, hence, we change our understanding, and we build confidence and self esteem in our ability to self direct in this physical world. This is how we reach our full potential, to build a world and schools where self discovery is the joy and we live realizing the value is what is best for all, as this is life in action.
Thank you for reading, much appreciated.
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