Thursday, September 10, 2015

What are you educing with your presence?

If one as a human is born sensing the world around them, to the point where within weeks they begin to imitate a smile, what does this tell us about the sensuality of a human being that is in essence an organic robot?

It tells us that the human baby is collecting and imitating data, the measure of the world around them. 

What happens when that measure is not the real story? What happens when that data is a measure of a limited story, to serve the victor? The one who had the means, to stand on the stage of presentation? Is not that act of standing on a stage, a raised platform, in itself something that can occupy the sensory skill of a human being, that child that imitates everything it encounters? I mean, is this not what feral children are doing and being? And, are not those with more exposure and opportunity to the forms in this world, are they not more flexible than most? Are they not more able to change? Does this not mean that they have the data/measure exposure to focus upon? Is this not like a musician that has had exposure to the notes? It is not any different. And it is the key.

Would this not mean that an exposure, that is limited ( like television) create a human being with a set of data that blinds them from seeing directly and acting responsibly? Thus, it is not the machine, because the machine is a great sensor, it is the information within the machine that is creating the lack. Thus, what is informed can change. Our sciences tell us that we can build neurons through out life, which means we can rebuild ourselves at any point in life. I mean, our cells replace themselves in the body every seven years!

If this is not understood, this which is obvious, what are the manifested behaviors of lack, and how do they play out? Where do we see them in the every day? How do they exhibit themselves in our children?

Does punishing forced data in a child solve the self destructive behavior? No. Would limited data, as lack of exposure, create a form of depression of that which is educed into form/data/measure  manifest because the data did not give a clear direction for the machine to move as? Are we not this, we humans, when we realize that we are what we think about, our thoughts the reflection of our inner data/measure/experience? In this, depression is a suppression into a limited in-formation of data/exposure/experience/opportunity. The consequence of this is behaviors of frustration, reaction, anger, spite, blame, all manifest as name calling, punishment, finger pointing, class warfare,  nationality, ethnic cleansing, economic lack, crime,  religion, etc. etc.  All of these are metaphysical data that has lost touch with that starting point of a child being a sensory machine/ organic machine that absorbs everything it is exposed to. And that child can absorb all the emotional and feeling energies that are the memories of parents who believe their measure, their data, that does not fit reality ( not all bad) is how something should be, despite indicators of their in-formation causing problems in an expression of self in relation to one’s full potential. 

If our neurons can rebuild, then we can process data/measure and give direction to behaviors that are not what is best for the child, behaviors that lead to no self harm, and by extension, no harm to others. 

To rebuild ourselves to be equal to the very fabric of life, to live in ways that do no harm and realize the good, as that which in a quantum moment, always resolves into what is best for that organic robot, that sensory machine as that baby imitating that smile, that measure , that data, we are going to need help.  We can use what we have created ( as it is not all bad, and what we have created reveals our innate ability to be critical in constructive ways and create anew)  to help us help ourselves. We can rebuild our within to be equal to the data without, as where we live our lives on a physical world.

What would be the behaviors of such an organic sensory machine? Would they be clear communication? Would we listen to one another instead of compete as our limited information that we believe will enable us to survive? Have we become  as mono-culturistic within as our world without, a system that has good, yet is not working which is reflected in the increasing lack of health in so many of our children? Does our data within that comes to direct us, serve a few,  the directives as information as our data/experience/opportunity/measure focusing within a very narrow self inner-rest/interest bubble, believing our memory perspective to be the end game, despite a part of ourselves that is aware that we are not paying attention to what is going on around us in other parts of the world, and the full measure revealed in the movement as our financial system- for example?

When you go out and get into your car today, is it increasingly more difficult to sense the space around you as you drive and have to back up your car?

Is it increasingly more difficult to communicate with people who are not within your immediate circle of friends?

Is it more and more difficult to do the simple things in life, such as stand up and put water in a bowl for your dog?

Is it more difficult to talk to your children, where you feel that they are not listening to you, and they feel that you are not listening to them? Do the emotional values of good and bad, appear to get in the way, and the problems that require solutions appear to be too big to solve?

Do you feel more and more that it is too hard to get all that paper work done?

Would these things exist if that measure within was equal to the measure without? Could you, if your within was equal to the data as the physical world without, ever go into blame, or would such a state mean that the only response possible was in all ways to move into solution and that this was a fully focused self that was being creative and interacting with life, communicating as life? Would this not be something that builds a self trust, and manifest as a state of ease - the opposite of dis-ease?

In the end it is all really very simple. The complication is the separation, that depression of an innate self discovery ability that is that which is educed - drawn out- taking on form, imitating the world, collecting the very measure of the outer world so that that inner world can self direct in self responsible ways that lead to a full focus that is the realization of one’s full potential as life.

Let us rebuild. The tool of Techno Tutor is here to do just this. And it makes this process fun. One’s home life will begin to be a community of people, that realize the value of clear communication and the joy of problem solving, which is being creative and enjoying the world around one. It is to ensure that the measure within is equal to the fabric without as this physical world we all live within.  The purpose of life is to express creation, which would naturally take that which is good and does no harm. A perfect design, if we allow and accept it. Techno Tutor: time to rebuild and end the depression that is  of limited information that ends up as a  suppression of a natural ability to self discover the world around us as the physical that is life.

Bring yourself back into a natural ability to spatially sense the world around you. It is your real expression, suppressed by limited information.  Resound yourself.

Watching my father, dying as his physical body shuts down, being a replay of old memories that have consumed his presence is watching the disease of a separation from being equal within to the without as this world.  It is the lose of that ease which had learned to imitate a smile.

 Rebuild to become an outcome of the full potential of that beautiful organic physical body that is so capable of retaining that rapid learning spatial ability inherent in a young child. Clean out those cells, so that with each seven year period, the information transferred is clear, clean and moving with ease and passed on as such with each new generation of life.  And yes, it is that simple. 

We have equations in the words we use that have been repeated over time. These words are “ the apple never falls far from the tree.”  And, ‘ you can take the farmer off the land, but you cannot take the farmer out of the man’ Both of these statements tell us we become our exposure.  We become what our parents were the measure of, and the measure of our experience. If that experience is not in tandem with the measure of physical reality, then our attentions cannot see what is here, and we lose efficient and effective application in our lives which is to direct ourselves in ways that take what is good and does no harm. Can we see, that a practice that is not considerate of practical reality, can be passed from generation to generation, and that unequal practice can accumulate over time, as our generated genes of measure, leading to compounded lack of an ability to focus within the physical necessity of living. Is this not what we are seeing in our children? 

Techno Tutor, the gift that keeps on giving. The fun way to rebuild one’s way into and back from an unequal measure within to being equal and one with what is real and that is the joy of being life, as creation in expression here.

In the next post I am going to look at the difference between moving by association and seeing directly this reality in which we live our lives.

Thanks for reading! Much appreciated.

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