Monday, March 21, 2016

Does it begin with spelling our words?

In working one on one with children, the importance of being able to spell and speak words relates to the processing ability of the child. 

If a student or child lacks the ability to spell words, of which speaking is an indicator of, then we can ask ourselves if our children really know their words. If they cannot generate them, speak them, spell them then how can they construct their potential? How can they see the detail of the specific and the overall view of the general, as men naturally categorize and oder. We begin doing this the day we are born. We learn to crawl and walk; we order the space around us, we imitate the words of our parents- the measure the words convey, the values the parents convey.  This is how absorbent we are. Other species have this same ability, they imitate and absorb. This is the point of opportunity too. Without opportunity, we cannot build the means to express our real potential.

Humanity is also by nature, social. This makes sense in the nature of a natural ability to learn. It is when we interact with other people, and things and animals that we learn. we learn when we are exposed to the physical reality. We learn when we have the opportunity to speak our perceptions, as this is a way to build perspective through hearing the insights of others. Thus, when we cannot spell our words, we get caught up in the lack of this ability. When we practice this lack, we become what we practice, hence we come to define ourselves as an experience of lack. Yet, the means of development within becoming what we practice, makes it very clear that the solution is to realize what we have practiced and to practice a more perfect form, or imitate a more perfect form. 

We can start through a perfect practice, as the words we know. The words we know so well, we no longer have to think about the spelling, and can use the word as a placeholder of information, to form a well ordered and perfect mind to reference our experience with the world around us, that is in constant change. This is how a person can become what a well informed man does so well, face the unexpected with immediate solutions. It is all a math that can be learned by anyone, because a human can absorb great detail when given the opportunity.

Because people use language, words are the perfect tool to organize information. It would not matter if one becomes a painter, or a carpenter, each person on this earth can also learn the means of human communication and use this to order whatever skill they are inclined to develop. After all, one can master a skill, yet if it cannot be communicated, that person cannot be heard and that skill is hard to share with others to allow the awareness and development of such a skill, to reach the perspectives of those who have not had the means to reach such levels of skill. Sharing is a way to process measure making the next person reach a skill level in a shorter amount of time.

If we understand that a seed is information, then the community of men can develop the ability to process by seeding perfect information, so that the next generation reaches greater levels of development, thereby increasing the awareness of each man on earth. Within this, we can understand how evolution moves, and ensure that our children reach greater levels of capacity. It is a lot similar to computers, and how men have managed to minimize mechanical processes into smaller and smaller measures, to give all the means of access to information. Within this, if we know our words, and can spell, we can hold information and assess that information and then apply the practice of that information with ease, building living situations where the community realizes the value of this, and interacts in respect of how this works, understanding that each of us are responsible to become the potential inherent in the structure of how all this works. In this, there is no need to have someone validate this, it is here, hidden in plain sight.

The research in education reveals that success has a relationship to words. Words are spells, they are placeholders of information. The measure of the word must be pure in relation to the information the word conveys. Then when we speak, we speak in tune, in clarity, in precision. When we generalize, we see a perspective about something. Thus, words allow us to generalize and allow us to share the perspective of the details. If we allow the generalizations about reality to become a truth that fits all, we are in effect becoming superstitious.  One way to realize this, is to look at one’s social circles, where one may have a friend who is of another race. One realizes that that friend is hard working, industrious and desires to be responsible. And yet, with information touted in media, a different measure of value can be imparted about that persons original culture or race. Then, the general story is not equal to the personal story. We then justify, believing that what we know is the exception to the rule. This is two contrasting in-forms. It begs the question as to where the practical experience is not in sync with the perspective about a distant experience.
This means that one cannot accept information without investigation. To investigate, we must be able to spell, to assess information and relate its values to practical reality, to understand the disconnect between contrasting information as indirect experiences and direct experiences. When we know our words, and use them to form reflections about information, we can use a natural ability to quantify information and reorder it, while at the same time, realizing the practical in plain sight. This is how words can be an incredible tool to order information, creating placeholders that are stable, and that we can hold to pan-in and pan-out to quantify many aspects and form a more perfect action that cares for what we all enjoy, participating in society, which means participating in life.

Because of the consequence of an imperfect practice, having forgotten in our busy lives how this all works, we can use technology to automate spelling skills development, to ensure that we can spell all those words research in education reveals leads to success. Few parents have the time to walk the practice that requires a little bit of time every day, in their busy lives, and few school systems, that are required within a limited time frame to impart information, have the time to make sure that body of students know each word so well they then can use their space and time to generate meaning. After all, wouldn’t more time spent generating meaning, educe the practice of relating to processing in spatial reality? Would knowing our words in a clean and clear way, allow a natural ability in each and every one of us to quantify space AND time ( as memory) and build an interactive society that realized the potential of each fit perfectly into the orchestra that is what life is? 

Hence, we can automate learning to spell our words, integrating them as placeholders of information to build a natural ability to process information. Such a tool would remove the stress many parents feel in making sure their children are well educated.  After all, only  a parent spends the most time with the child, and can be right there, with the help of technology, to realize the importance of an effective vocabulary. The joys of the expression in a child when they realize they can learn anything because they no longer are caught in a lack of being able to communicate, is a child with self confidence and self esteem. A child who can go out into the world and process information no longer fears participating in life. A child that can process information, with ease, and without fear, can earn a good living, being there for the parents as the parents were there for them. 

If you are a parent or a school and are interested in spelling skills development that is cost effective and self empowering for the child, leave me a note.
Thank you for reading, very much appreciated.

In the next few blogs I am going to describe behaviors that reflect the consequence of not knowing our words.

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