Monday, April 20, 2015

Are our thoughts the measure of our experience? Or/and Lack thereof? Reading Skills Development.

Someone said to me that we cannot understand what another thinks, that we do not understand thought.  Is there a truth and an untruth to this? I ask myself.
I look at the parts, at what is known, and I assemble them. This is critiquing  and rebuilding with these parts to build a more clear understanding.
I understand that feral children absorb the measure of sensorial skill developed in their hosts. For example, a child raised in the wild by a pack of wolves, will take on the sensory skill of that wolf.
There are examples of this in the literature and documented records of this. One can investigate this for themselves.
In this recent article on the study of rats isolated in cages with a bottle of water and a bottle of water laced with cocaine, the rat in their isolation will choose to drink the drugged water as opposed to the clean pure water, yet when placed in a community with other rats and other physical things to use, the rat will not drink the cocaine water and instead will choose the clean water. The physical world opportunity and the community, which is a more interactive environment with physical things, will be the choice. Other studies cited in the article suggest the same behavioral activity in men when provided with community and, in my opinion, the means to interact with objects in this physical world. It is the acknowledgement that an uncaged bird sings.
I also realize that children are not born with religion or nationality or language. This is what a child absorbs when the ‘ host’ is a human in the society of men as it presently exists on earth.
So the child begins to think, to focus on what it placed as a measure within the child. 
This means that the child becomes, or is the measure of, or thinks about what experiences are placed in the path of the child, as the very measure of values built by men  as the society of men.
Thus, the child thinks about what measure is placed within the child. If a child is exposed to Sponge Bob, then the child’s thinking relates things to Sponge Bob. Which I have seen a child do. So the thinking that child has, is a picture of Sponge Bob. A picture can have a thousand words, which means layered meaning, depending on the experience of the child. What cannot be understood by myself, is the exact detail as the ambiguities placed within the object related to as the picture of Sponge Bob. Yet, all interventions deal with regrounding children back into practical reality, as in how to put things away, how to hold a pencil, how to realize what one thinks need not define one- as the basis of the practice of  mindfulness suggests. So, we can admit that our thoughts are the measure of our experience. Or/and the lack there of.
If our ‘ boxes’ are limited, we become the measure of that limitation, and then when we face the practice of living, as what interventions are, we have no experience and thus no sense of practical living.
And yet, as with the feral children, we are able to absorb, and if we do not understand the implications of this, we do not realize that we are programming a machine, it is an organic machine. So, like a computer, our memories become the measure of the language, and the culture, and the nationality and the subjects we focus on, and the beliefs of our ancestors, which is to say we become our parents, or, we become the “ sins of the fathers.” I mean, how we are formed is right in front of us, and how our thoughts are built is right in front of us.
The scenario with the rat, reveals that when we exist in an environment of lack, we become frustrated and seek any means of activity, which can be a drug that creates some movement, it just happens to be a movement within. And if the within is occupied with some kind of movement, then the without is not what is focused upon and thus, the consequence of what is happening in the physical reality is not noticed. Thus, the drug can lead to death.
Yet, when there is the space and time for development, the choice would be to choose community, as a more fulfilling experience that occupies the within and the without.
This then can lead to situations where there is some development. Yet this “ more “development can also be a limitation because it is not a real focused use of all capacity of the human form in relation to the practice of being grounded in this physical reality- like as our forms being fully employed, which means to not only be thinking away as our experiences accumulating into an idol of ideas moved around in abstract ways like a television in our minds.
And yet. this shows all of us how we can build sound children, ground children, who are able to practice a common sense living and become self confident and active participants in living lives that express the full potential of themselves as human beings.
If the measure of the mind, as the experience of the child, is grounded in reality/nature, in the practice of living with our physical reality, then the measure of the mind would be equal to the reality as this physical world around us. Then would the child become a living word, as their thoughts and their words that reflect their thoughts, because this is how humans communicate, would be equal to the practice of living here.
Since human communication is the naming of all things, then structurally a child can learn the names of things, to order the child, as their memory,  into a focus on this ground, this place in which we live. Then would the thoughts as the experience of the child be in accord with the practice of living on a physical planet, because this is where that child becomes an adult and must stand in responsibility for themselves.
A lack of this opportunity creates a limited thought process, and thus directives that cause mis-takes in reality, that take time to correct, thereby taking away time to build awareness.  And, to blame the object as the child, for any lack, cannot be that which corrects the lack. In being given community and opportunity, the child, as with the behavior of the rat, and the vets cited in the article, when given opportunity and community, the choice more often will be to participate in living.
This also begs the question, are those who have been ‘ caged’ in limitation, whose memories and thus thoughts are not grounded, too deep into separation that there will be the need for a greater amount of time to correct the measure, the focus of the person out of their thought patterns? This means in practice , a longer duration of spaced repetition to correct the “ storm” of thoughts that are limited measures of reality? And even here, is punishment the answer? No. Punishment is never the answer.
To return to where I started. We cannot know the exact detail of another’s thoughts because the background of each is of their own experience and no two experiences are alike, yet, we can understand how thoughts are built, meaning we can understand what our thinking is a reflection of our experience and/or lack there of.
Thus, what would be the perfect means of building a sound mind that is grounded and of thoughts that can take in the details of reality and create directives that cause limited consequences of harm and mis-take in child development?
Words. We are the words we know. ABraCaDabra means that we are the words we know, we are the measure of our exposure. What would be the prefect tools as things as words, to order our within to be a clear directive as our structural blueprints as our memories of inFORMation, within as a con-science to be self confident, self directed and self responsible adults? The answer is right here, always has been; we are the words we know.

Thus, would a cognitive behavioral therapy that rebuilds the mind, the thought processes, that gives the units of measure as words to ground a child( or adult) and build a well ordered and clear mind map, be the perfect intervention for our modern attention disorders? Yes.
This is Techno Tutor. Your personal Tutor to make sure the character of your child is sound.

Thank You for reading!

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