Friday, September 30, 2016

Intuition determines processing ability. What do we want for our children?

Let us look at the difference between knowledge and information and practical application and the imagination.

I can look at common core and the new math, for example, among other things.

When we memorize knowledge and information, without the opportunity for practical application, we can come to have a conceptual form, using pictures and numbers, and/or words to become a vision/entity/thing in our imaginations. 

If our focus is on this imagined form, and we use that to direct our actions, can that in-form match the living physical practice around us that is the very means and reason for learning something in the first place? Does our information fit, in other words? Can one imagine what it means to play the violin and then immediately play the violin? In this can we ever believe what we imagine before we apply what we have allowed ourselves to imagine? Does this not mean that knowledge and information must always be cross checked with practical physical application? 

In common core, the new math is simply a different way of moving the number values around. Or, a different way of deconstructing and reconstructing numerical values. Instead of 2+2 one breaks down the 2’s into a smaller value, as the parts and  then adds them together. And yes, it appears to be self evident to one that knows this, yet it cannot be said to be a ‘ bad’ because it is inherently what is the parts of a more compounded equation. One must simply know the code. 

And yes, it seems to be a busy- ness that is unnecessary to practice again and again and then to be tested on. This movement, or practice, in itself can be a means to slow down a natural ability to conceptualize. It could be construed to be a micro-management that inhibits a natural conceptual ability- especially for children sitting in a room. One must begin to look at all dimensions, because it is with dimensions that we are micro managed, slowing down an innate processing of information. Again, this is controlling the imaginative capacity, embedding practices that not only separate as that focus on this ONLY- away from practical application, but also, becomes a practice that actually stops what humans do naturally, which is to expedite the processing of information. 

Thus, this process of implementing a new way, or supposed new way of moving numerical values around, can become a device to train an imagination to move on a very controlled ‘ tread mill’ of allowed measure/value-manipulation in the imagination ONLY. Thus our attention is trained to be more in the imagination AND within a one-way processing that is a training into limited conceptual movement. It is a form of suppression of what is natural. 

The tricky thing is that the parts can all be justified and argued. Meanwhile, a momentum in processing one’s information in the imagination with practical application in reality is completely scrambled. This is how great the tools of becoming potent in understanding this life are, and yet how easily and readily a mis-use of this can cause all kinds of attention dis-orders. 

What is the main problem we have in our society? We have attention dis-orders. Because we have been doing this for a while, especially since the advent of public schooling, this attention-deficit  ( lol like our monetary debt) is growing. It is the children who suffer the most. Imagine being born into such a world?

This begs the question as to what happens within a mis-use of the imagination? If our imaginations, as what is informing that image and likeness of the information practiced, have little or no opportunity for practical application, or connection to practical physical reality, of living interaction, what can happen with that intense focus from the imagination and our connection to living practice as who and what we are? In other words, what happens when that imagination believes it ‘ knows’ something and then meets that ‘ knowing’ in practice ( from having learned it in the imagination, abstractly, only)?

Could one remember how this that is the imagination was formed? Especially after 13 years of being in a room abstracting information - as placing information in the imagination and playing with the forms within the imagination?  I mean look at this, this would be like racing in one form and suddenly moving that form into a living form outside of this inner form and expecting this to suddenly fit! How is this working for all of us?  The problem is that it is not working. If we respond with statements such as ‘ That is the way it is” we have become a complacency of fearing change that is a consequence of this same practice of which I speak!  Change, which is natural, becomes difficult within a incorrect use of our imaginations.

This requires us to look at what we begin to information our children as in their early years. What is prevalent are all the fairy tales? These tales, or maths/measure/value-system, are all about good and evil, or, a morality instead of practical real live living stories. Do we know the real story of the old woman in the woods who is usually considered ‘ evil”? Do we know anything about the overall structure and layering of the workings of the financial system of the castle? Do we learn about the agricultural practices? No, we are told stories about values of good and bad, nothing practical. Thus, we naturally learn to crawl, and walk, and then we learn a value system of good and bad. We begin our lives in the practical, and then we separate into building an imagination of value judgements, done by conditioning set bodies of information that do not tell the story of how that human being came to be considered bad. The irony is that the means to the end, as a morality of good and bad, without practical measure clarified- as how that old woman came to be who and what she is, is what informs us through memorizing the information via a story of measured and formed value judgements. This is just like that numerical value being slightly changed and practiced in the number values.  It is all a means of building an imagination in separation from living reality.  I have to ask myself if this is how the infamous ‘ boogie man under the bed’ is formed, or created.  And this begs the question as to the way and means of being able to completely manipulate others! And this begs the question as to why so many of us cannot read, or cannot process information!  And, why so many of us have a hard time communicating with one another!  the proverbial ‘ boogie man’ is our within information not fitting into this living reality!

In other words, an improper use of the imagination has us all walking around in a shadow world, in separation from living reality! We have come to believe that this informed imagination is more than what is around us! We need only investigate innovations created by some who have managed to exit this imaginative world or use it in constructive ways, to realize the extent of our separation. We need only look at the children with attention dis-orders to realize the extent of this problem.

I have found that many teachers and parents are very skilled at calling out the problem, yet cannot see the cause of the problem that is literally right in front of us, in plain sight! 

The solution.
Within teaching the violin, I always had to build from nothing via building an awareness into the structural means of playing the violin. If that structure awareness was well set, the child would begin to move with ease in relation to the structure of the violin. This happened in an exponential way one the parts began coming together. I would build an awareness of the parts, every part, not just one aspect, in a relationship with actual physical living reality practice. The change point would become obvious, because the child would begin to employ moving in all the practiced “ paint the fence” parts and begin to move in cross checking or assessing each movement because it was well known, and have the space to move into seeing the whole. This would then compel even more awareness and the ability to process this living action would suddenly begin to move at a whole other tempo. A momentum had happened, one that was of a clear inward perception of the structural means of expression as the tool as the instrument, to the point where the child could produce all by themselves in an effective way. Is this not the goal of education to realize measured  effectiveness in generating expressive movement in living reality?  Teaching through abstracting ONLY and then testing an ability to abstract  is very very limited, as the problems in our society reflect!  This is also the means of manipulation and control- which begs the question as to why that ability to learn to crawl, such a huge and great thing, must be controlled at all!? It is our very sensitivity and means of understanding.

Thus, because of an existent system embedded in consequences of a mis-use of the imagination, we need help. We can use what we have created, as our technology, to help us rebuild a stable and well ordered imagination as what humans use to communicate and inform ourselves as and with that is a ‘ thing’ about reality, and becomes our intuition. We can learn the code, as words, always relating them to a direct living measure/rule/quality/thing to build a well structured reference system as our imagination. This would remove the fear that is a product of a mis-use of the imagination, and ground our children into having the means to retain a natural ability to process the living reality around us, that living reality they naturally existed in when they learned to crawl and to walk, before the values imparted through story informed them of a measure that was not the whole story. Mastery happens within the interface of reality- just as one learns to play an instrument. 

Ask yourself what you would want for yourself. Would you want to become a person who lives as the limitation “ that is the way it is” or would you want your child to become an innovator that creates and lives in a way that improves all our lives? A child that feels secure in so doing? Would you want your child to direct the physical instrument that is themselves, beyond the crawling stage, into continuing a developing awareness of being aware of themselves and their capacity into a correct us of their imagination to create within an effective cross reference ability of this living instrument called this practical world? 

We are, even myself, a product of the mis-use of the imagination that is this present system. Yet, we can rebuild our focus, or redirect our focus and we can do this with a tool to integrate our words, by-passing a mis-informed imagination and then relating that word to this living reality, to ground our instruments as our physical bodies, back into a natural awareness of what is around us as this living reality that is as much as instrument of expression as is our physical bodies we directed into crawling and walking and talking and, unfortunately, accepting a mis-use of the imagination. 

I have been in a crowd and seen an adult autistic child-young man in their absolute frustration and mis0information, run up to an adult and violently push them down onto the ground. If you were that mis-informed child-young man/woman, would you not be so frustrated that any immediate means of expression would be better than nothing? For those who have not yet generated this mis-information to the degree of having an autistic child in relation to mis-information being passed down and accumulating within each family generation, would you want one of your children to have to live with having an autistic child? One could argue against this formation, yet dimensionally, this is what we are doing overall, and we all know it on some levels. Investigate the science of neurolinguistic programming, and realize we can rebuild ourselves at any stage of life. We cannot wait for the problem to become a part of our immediate existence ( in some ways it already is, because each town/area appears to be forming homes for the children suffering from a mis-se of the imagination into a compounded mis-information). The development and growing problem of and as these children/young adults, is costly for the society. The allowance of this development and its behaviors, are that boogie man coming to life, being what we have allowed to inform our fellow human beings. We as a collective are responsible for this. The means for each, on the ground , to become self responsible in informing the children we create. We can learn the code, as the words, to communicate a living reflection of practical reality. We can re-verse this trend of compounding attention deficits and and prevent a loss of attention, a natural ability to attend, to the living world around us. 

If your child is having problems processing information leave me a note and I can show you the means to rebuild a natural ability to process the living reality around us.

Thanks for reading! Much appreciated!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Education and the Law or Miracle of Compounding

Education and the Law or Miracle of Compounding

I had another person talk to me of and about a gifted and talented child this week.
I said to that person that the ends reveal the means. Meaning, we become what we practice as the math of our exposure and accumulative understanding, which in the present system is our opportunity in many ways. Because of this, our parents become our starting point, because the consequence of our exposure and practice as a math, as a belief system, of and as the opportunity/exposure of the child. 

In music, child proteges are usually born into musical families, they are exposed to music, a fluid math, every day of their lives. They absorb this, they imitate it, thep begin the journey of assimilating the information and have the 10,000 hours it takes to master something in the space of their environment and they become capable of that form of expression. Look at Mozart and Bach, they were essentially born into the trade of music.  Just like learning to walk, they began the process of integrating the form, the movement, the mastering of music as what was the exposure they had in relation to their environment.  Within this, our society tends to create icons of music, meaning to aggrandize a few humans who learned and mastered an instrument, yet there are many who have done this, it is not that uncommon. 

We do not hear the ones who have not been made into an icon, that very formation of one of a few becoming somewhat of a master being the ONLY one. I can say that there are people who have mastered an instrument and they perform on levels even our icons have not reached.  Creating superstars in some ways separates us from the natural process of learning, and also takes away a natural ability to sense, as that very ability that when given the space and time, masters such a thing as learning  to express with a stable tool such as a musical instrument.  

Thus, what we are exposed to and what space and time we have the opportunity to absorb and practice, as self generate, determines what we integrate and this determines how we self direct in this life. How is it that this process is not used at what it so obviously reveals? This is to say that we understand how this works. When a mistake is made, there is no place for blame, or negative impulsing of destructive criticism, because the only real direction to take is to correct as directing towards a self sustaining balance. Also, to realize that this process means giving the space to practice. 

For parents, this means that everything we do, every move we take, every word we speak is programming our children. And for adults, it means that our past need not define who and what we are here. If our parents did not understand this,  and we learned, or integrated some information that was not clear or complete in programming us to self direct in efficient ways and means, then there is only us to change this. This is the whole point of the Humpty Dumpty story. This is what it means when it is said that all the kings men, and all the kings horses could not put one back together in a way that gives self direction in awareness, only the self within one’s self can do this.  Any negative impulsing is a past of information  that was not an act of clarity, an act that lent a math that gave one a means to play, or express, or self direct with efficiency and clarity. 

When we really begin to understand this, and look around us, this understanding makes it clear that one cannot place a child in a classroom for six hours  day, for 13 years, and expect that one teacher with many students and a set body of information, learned in the abstract and moved into the concrete as knowledge and information only, will be enough to lend a clear and sudden self direction in reality.   Imagine if we did this in music? Obviously, this does not work and it is not working.

Our present form of education lacks any practical application, any real practice in living. It is to say, one imagines something and then is suddenly asked to go out and apply that information that is an imagination, and suddenly carry out that information in a multi dimensional reality/  Imagine- because, lol, imagination is not all bad!, playing the violin. Imagine learning to imagine what it means to play the violin, and then imagine having to go out into the world and perform, with masterery, just from having learned to imagine something.  Yes, this is basically what we are asking our children to do.  How is that working? Do we seem to have a compounding of attention deficits as we pass this down from generation to generation, I mean what are we ‘ seeding ‘ here? We can ask ourselves as we look around at the behaviors of others, where they are in the spectrum of the consequences of this overall form, and all the protections each has within them, because of some idea that we can be taught in a box, imagining things, without the opportunity for physical application.

We all can realize that when we physically do something, in addition to seeing and hearing and repeating and  speaking, or generating, that when all these dimensions of using our capacity are utilized, we remember things with greater ease. Instead we expect children to move from only the abstract to suddenly having some great executive function. We learn by employing all aspects of performing, it is in working with all aspects that we remember. Like learning to walk, we  have all the tools at our fingertips, and our natural ability to absorb allows us to assess in this, and begin to crawl and walk and talk.  How is it that we do not apply this to all areas of learning? I mean, this is so obvious in music. Anything we learn must be in the same way, that time and space to practice information as we learn it, is what allows us to correct what is a misunderstanding that is a normal process of learning what something is not, and what something is by nature and quality and degree.  

Getting back to the protege and the law or miracle of compounding. All of this means that a perfect practice, which is consistent and making-mistakes-is-part-pf-the-process practice becomes the practice our our self generation. We become the information that is us. Hence, the lack thereof is the product of our opportunity/exposure. Those around us in a degree of incapacity, in all its variations, and those who have some capacity, are the same ends as the ones we call ‘ gifted and talented.”  What is special is the means to the end, the magic is in the doing, the outcome is in the opportunity to do in a consistent and careful way that compounds to inform who and what we are  into effective human beings. This means that one set body of information that s taught into becoming a concrete abstraction about something in one’s mind only is an inefficient system because it lacks the dimension of real practice that allows that fine tuning inherent in self discovery, as one becoming a master of doing in reality that is of so much greater dimension that only imagination. It is easy to only do things in the imagination, one can ignore dimensions that do not fit!

And yet, because of this system, we can and must master our words. Because human beings use words to create placeholders of information..  This starts with mastering spelling, because if we do not master the notations, the notes of information that humans use,  how can we form informs of information and then have the security to use our spatial capacity and extend our awareness that is our spatial ability from within to direct in the world around us that is the without? If this inner structure is not clear, if we cannot spell correctly within, how can we spell correctly  in our ‘ withouts’ as reality? If we look around we can see that the means to the end, is so visible in the behaviors of the humans around us, and that punishment is not an act of giving space to, or opportunity to self correct. 

In other words,  incapacity is incorrect compounding of information about reality. And yet, integrating information is the miracle of life, meaning that a correct informing of a person, leads to a human being mastering life. This overall, has a sequence, we do not know something, then we realize we do not know, and then we practice which naturally is a process of mis-taking or correcting imbalances as we sense the boundaries of the qualities of something, and then this becomes integrated and we can function without placing too much of our attention on what something is because we have had the opportunity to understand that which we focus upon and can instead employ that understanding in space and time. If we do not follow through, or have the opportunity to follow through in self directive ways, we can practice an imperfect practice and create an imagination that does not fit into reality- causing all those cognitive dysfunctions we call dyslexia and ADHD, all attention dis-orders. 

This is why our thoughts become our habits ( the manifestation of our practices )  that direct our actions that end up determining our lives.  This can all be heard in the very words we speak because our words are the reflection of the math we understand, just as that musician expresses their understanding of the space and time around them in the very music, or form they express.  One cannot blame the instrument, it is what it is, and it is a gift in its stability as a physical object.  In this, it is the forms as the math as the words one wraps ones mouth around that helps one to see where one stands and where one needs to assess and correct one’s self information. Something no king, and no king’s men can do for one. Yet, this same means to an end is what is so cool because it means that everyone is special and everyone is gifted. Those who we call gifted, simply have had the generational background and/or time and space to master understanding, done in the same way we learn to crawl and to walk and to talk.  

Thus, the means to the end, is to be able to process the information within and the information without. Words are a means to organize information that in turn allows us to process information correctly. This builds confidence and self esteem which in turn lends opportunity and joy in performing, in creating, in doing what humans can do so well when given the opportunity as is evident in those who we call ‘ gifted.”  They are simply ‘ gifted with time and space and correct in-forming.  Human’s real gifts are to problem solve in ways that stewards this life around us in caring and productive ways. This is the capacity to consider all things and make choices that do not harm. This would compound into a reality where all children became the manifestation of what was unique and special about them, and thereby improving and expanding awareness for everyone.

Even the gifted ( with correct inFORMation) cannot reach their full potential where others are in lack. In reality, we can leave no one behind as this is a form of extinction of life. Placing a set body of information into our children, away from practical application in real space ( physical) and time, is causing a separation from processing reality and building a self directive capacity that expands awareness. We in essence are no longer reading reality, and this is evident , or reflected in our lack of word recognition and spelling skills.  Even a musician needs words to communicate their understanding as this is how humans interact.  This also begs the question we must ask ourselves ' Can we ever trust our intuition, or is the information that comes up within our intuition something that must always be cross referenced with reality?