What is a proper use of the imagination?
I watched a YouTube videos where a child takes a rubric's cube and spins the cube in their hand without solving the puzzle, meaning they turn the cube, mapping out the moves necessary to solve the puzzle. They are then blindfolded and they manipulate the cube into solution- this being each side a solid color.
This is more of a proper use of the imagination. To build a blueprint and then move as it, so to speak. This is building an image of reality within, which is all the imagination really is.
Within this, we also can see as our children grow, how much they begin to look just like us. They absorb what we the adults are. Unless we as adults, perfect our abilities, or realize we are not enough, our children become us. And/or we send our children into a box/room for 12 to 13 years , where they ostensibly learn to use this imagination only to assess and investigate forms, as information They also, have little practice extending this sense that builds in the imagination, into physical form and function in physical reality. We can understand this, because there are people in this world who can do this, yet have not developed language and communication skills. As a consequence, they are often shut out, as they do not have the means to communicate.
Another example is a carpenter, who after years of measuring, no longer needs a ruler, as they have perfected their ability to sense distance and space with their presence. They can then HOLD that measure, in their imagination and cut out the exact measure free of tools, such as the ruler, as I said. Remember, they learned this from physical reality! Also, a violinist plays the measure, as distance, from one tone to another, and soon no longer needs a marker to direct them, they sense the space. They can also begin to sense the space of tones, HOLD them, and then move accordingly, even adjust as they play. Thus, this is being present within space and time, within and without.
This begs the question as to why we send our children into a public school to develop a one-sided use of the imagination? Do we not already have problems with employers complaining that our children have no practical skills? Do we not have problems as we age with driving? Do we not say as we age that we are getting old and therefor just accept that we no longer can sense space as reality around us? Is this not a consequence of a mis-use of imagination? Can we not see that when it was said that we needed to bring our ‘ heaven’s down to earth’ that is was a literal statement! There is no mumbo - jumbo to this statement, it is a practical statement. Perhaps this is why it was placed in a religious context, to separate what was hidden in plain sight.
What would a mis-use of imagination create over generations? Would it create attention deficit dis-orders? Would our children begin to have varying degrees of difficulty processing information and practical application? Do we not see that this is what has happened? Would the behaviors of such mis-use be emotional reactions, ones that express fear and limitations believed to be what is real? After all, can we not all admit that when we do not know something well enough we become fear full, that loopy feeling of not being clear, that that we hide through projecting limitations onto others, to distract from our own inner chaos. The act of blame is not an act of correction. If we correct ourselves once, we can do it again, and accumulate our actions, building a momentum that develops self trust and self esteem. At present we have accumulated protection and defense mechanisms and thoughts of doom and gloom, and they build into a momentum that ends in an emotional fire storm. This we later regret, or we become bitter and blame everything but that it is us who accepted and allowed this through an imperfect practice in relation to who and what we are as human beings.
That negative back chat, is in nature spiteful and full of blame, because it is not a practical action that moves into solution. Those who have developed communication skills and a sense of space here, with opportunity to practice in this space, are those of us that are most successful. Meaning, those of us that solve problems and come up with new ways of doing things that improve all our lives. Though, such developments do not come to fruition in a system that allows children to be placed in a box, where the existent jobs are addressing the lack to such an extent that the adults fear losing these jobs over what would solve these problems that are growing in momentum every dayand that cause untold suffering and frustration in our children- the behaviors right there in front of us as we call them by name without realizing the starting point of the problem.
We as men, have the capacity to sense form and function within and without. With development we can sense great detail about the physical world around us, and we can blueprint form and see it from many different angles to improve and reform, to solve and live the potential that is this within. To not live as this is a crime against life, because this is full use of the mechanism of being a man. Anything less leads to behaviors of frustration and that inevitable loss of a sense of space, where driving our cars becomes more and more difficult. Our focus as who and what we are, is askew, it is a mis-use of the very design of who and what we are.
We have the capacity to read a thousand words per minute by the time we are 21. This would mean we could hold form within, with ease, and then develop the ability to see the whole and the parts of our perception of practical reality. This must be developed. If we have twenty years olds that cannot do this, and have the behaviors of lack that are obvious in their limitation and inability to process practical actions or carry on a conversation with ease, using critical and creative thinking skills, that can also consider the practical, we have as adults not supported the children. As we adults are a product of a system that has mis-used the imagination, it is time to realize that sending our children to the present design of our public schools is not what is best for us, or for our children. If we wait for someone else to make the changes we are not going to create the necessary change, because it is us that must do this. If we say that we are too busy, this means that we ourselves are not being effective in the use of our imaginations. What we adults practice is what our children become. This is how great that ability to sense and model is and does. The mis-use of this causes harm and a giving up on life, on self. We can no longer allow this.
There are tools to help rebuild a mis-use of the imagination to give the child the structural means to develop a proper use of their natural capacity. For a moment, we will need them. Technology is stable, it is never emotional. It can be used to help us.
What would it be like to be a master of your capacity? What would it be like to never experience a loss of spatial ability within driving your car, for example? What would it be like to be able to hold something within you, or hold a sense of space around you, or hold the ideas, or blueprints of another’s experience enough to use that in effective ways, to even be grateful for it, as this is properly developed within you? What would it be worth to come home from work, have the means to pay attention to your children because you felt secure in your ability to go over problems at work later in the evening having developed a magnificent use of your imagination and your presence in sensing spatial reality? What would it be worth to be able to move numbers around in your imagination, like the child mapping out a rubric’s cube with ease. Or, to have a non-loopy and fearful sense of money, and even understanding of how the present system works in terms of monetizing labor?
What would it be worth to become a master of your own presence in space and time in this physical life, not fearing to map out projects and complete them, enjoying every step in the process because it is fun to develop and build things? What kind of society could we have if everyone effectively used their imagination and had the spatial sense to not only imagine but also be grounded in practical applications that expanded one’s awareness and quality of life?
What would it be worth to be able to slow down and understand your partner’s perspective, and them yours, so that solutions were found that brought ease to living? What would it be worth to no longer move into fear, and imaginings of doom and gloom, justification and denial? In effect, the doom and gloom is a product of a mis-use of the imagination. The consequence is a growing sense of loss of space and time.
If you want to connect, leave me a note. I can show you how to help yourself and your children. Give the gift that keeps on giving.
Thank you for reading!