Thursday, October 16, 2014

Processing InFORMation through random Associations.

When the words are clear, the structure clear, cognitive dissonance is more visible.
What I have noticed within reading articles is that often many dimensions of an issue are presented in ways that confuse instead of enlighten.
And if a child does not know the words and is busy sorting out the meanings of the words then there is no ability to begin too see the mixed dimensions of what is being said, there is no ability to fill in the gaps of the associations as the parts given that are not necessarily good or bad, but so mixed that connecting the dots of the perspectives given becomes a task in itself, one that children cannot manage if they do not have enough of a structure as the way and means with which men speak, as the words, to conceptualize a structural awareness of what is being said, to place the points, the aspects brought forward and to align them in ways that build enough of an understanding to realize what is missing, and/or give direction within investigation, because conceptual awareness at some point allows a reflection that is objective enough to see and not fear looking for more information needed to build a solid understanding. Thus when enough structure is there, it gives the awareness that more needs to be understood, and that this “ more” understanding is able to be done, and that acknowledging that more research and investigation is a supportive thing, not something to become embarrassed about because the lack defines what one is, as the understanding that insight happens when structural awareness is solid and developed. When we label children as being fixed in their understanding, which s what class is, then we ourselves have stopped creating, stopped investigating, stopped researching, essentially stopped looking, which is a crime against life, and the ignorance of self punishing the children. 

Within all of this, it must be understood that reconstruction of limitation takes time, and that the change, just like changing direction physically from one direction to another, is a slowing down process, so it appears to be very slow, very very slow, but also, if this is realized, that changing direction can build momentum, and thus that slowing down does not define the outcome. If I think about how our schools function, there is no time allotted for this process. Parents, even a group can stand and change this but the process would be filled  with the conflict of resistance, and what is the most important thing, the child, would be left on the side missing and losing developmental time.

Thus, the parent, who is overall the starting point of the child’s development, as the cognitive map, the experiential map, is the point of responsibility for the building of the child’s character, the “ care” aspect of the child, the child’s self directive capacity, the solid foundational building blocks that enable the child to exist as an efficiently self directive entity as a person in this world. Structurally, as the system design collectively supported and acquiesced to,  cannot go back and make sure every single word and understanding in each child is clear. By design, there is not enough time, there is not enough man power, there is not enough real exposure to language over all. We can realize this in simply looking at the number of words we use in our daily lives, even within that of the upper classes, because often one area is known well, and the vocabulary is limited within that area, as our education systems have created dialects within certain subject areas that have become more a divisive measure than one that allows collective understanding. And, we adults tend to measure our worth based on knowing a “ dialect”, which is essentially exposure to a construct that spins on its own and remains within its own radar, believing it has a solid understanding, but in the end if social ease is not the outcome than there is a conceptual lag and extremes will build as that which is missed accumulates and becomes a problem that can no longer be ignored.