Monday, May 26, 2014

Empowering Parents to Build the Abstract Measure of Children

Children develop an abstract of the actual physical world that becomes a working memory by the time they enter school. This is why, traditionally, children enter a more “ structured” schooling system at the age of seven.  This working memory, is an abstract of all their experiences in the first seven years.
Another way of looking at the abstract, as a concrete memory, is to realize that the memory can only be a measure of reality, because this is what is seen directly. This is why children put everything in their mouth, because they are measuring everything. They sense the texture of things, how hard, how soft, learning density, learning any quality a physical object of substance can have. Within this, a belief of one aspect being more than another about quality as density/texture/shine/opacity etc. is really a value judgement. In certain situations one quality is more efficient depending on qualities needed. So, within a given context, one quality is more needed than another, but one is not better than another. And, a child does not understand these things, they must be given the opportunity to understand, directly and overall. An understanding based on knowledge and information alone, is not enough. And, even here, an understanding of consequences within all aspects of material used, even in an economic use of resources must be learned. To not do so, is to limit the child, who then becomes an adult who makes choices that are not considerate of life on this planet. And, I have to say, that if 14 year old children can invent things that solve problems from practices done by adults that did not consider the consequences of their actions because they were unaware of all aspects, then human beings are very capable of understanding the consequences of their actions in relation to existence.
But, if one comes from a background where this did not happen, and that memory of experience is limited within a development that was made aware of consequences on many levels, it would be difficult to understand this, and it would more than likely be considered impossible. Here, the extremes of development are then given a value, most often called talent, but it is really? It is simply, development.  It is using the sensing of the child and building a human who uses an abstract mind that is built having the exposure to many qualities within the physical world - on which that abstract memory that is the image of the physical world, was built.
Now, if a memory has the exposure of a lot of television, and economic stress, that child has little exposure and thus little development. Then they are placed in a school that attempts to build understanding through knowledge and information only. So, a child is asked to not only understand what is their working memory, but also, re-sort this and build a map without any context. This is a very very very slow process, one in which that child would become extremely frustrated and reactive, because it would be tedious to sit in a classroom for six hours only fixing an abstract imagination map without any context, as direct seeing and multi-sensory development. I would have to say, it is not only extremely difficult for the child, but near to impossible. Here, to label such a child as incapable is really criminal, because it is not the child, it is the nature of the system.
So, we have teachers, that also become stressed within this context. They cannot clean up an abstract of the physical, different in each child, and rebuild a new abstract mind, for each child, The very form of the classroom, with the curriculum demands, does not give the space and time. And the financing of a school, especially a public school, does not include extensive one on one interaction. This kind of interaction is very very expensive for taxpayers. A public school was never meant to carry out such a task. So, overall, it is the responsibility of the parents, it is what being a parent means. The school are there to help with this, but that is all, they support and aid the development of the child, but they simply cannot ensure that every abstract of reality being built as the mental map of the child is clear. And, as I said earlier, many of us are also a product of not having a really clear understanding of all consequences of our actions, had we then there would be no harm being done to any child anywhere on this planet. If a child can learn to play a romantic concerto on an instrument by the time they are seven, then this reveals the capacity of a human when given the structure and opportunity for development. And, television does not build a self directive human being, it builds a human that has all the measure of what is promoted. One example is sexuality. it is known that when sexuality is pushed at a young age this is what the child becomes the measure of, at the exclusion of other developments. This is not something to be allowed to be more than so many other practical aspects of interaction with physical reality. Our most enjoyable relationships are ones where we get to know all aspects of another human being, because this helps us to understand all qualities of ourselves , and develops our ability to see the physical world directly and participate in the multi-sensory abundance of what makes up this physical world. Which, in turn is how a world without children in lack, would become a world where adults live full lives, and not ones in suppression which is what a life of prostitution is for a human being capable of so much more. And it all has to do with what is developed in the child, as a clear abstract of practical physical reality.
Within all of this, why are we building values in children at a young age, where we only talk about friendship? Why are we not teaching our children that understanding the physical world in ways that do no harm to the actual physical world is done through understanding the physical world? Why not teach in ways  that give children direct access to the qualities of the physical world instead of only knowledge and information? Why is an abstract taught based on being “ nice” only , like it is taking a good and elongating it in space and time with stories in a classroom that gives little direct access and specific quality of physical reality teaching? And would this not slow down the child, because being nice is made huge, and the practical is given little space and time? This makes what is the measure as what we are doing in the classroom a difficult thing to point out, because the teacher who wants their salary, fears change, and so with the administrator as well, so the elongated measure that is a “ good” cannot really be disputed, yet if one has a more conceptual ability to look at the measure of all things, then this rendition of space and time through elongation, can be seen as a limitation that ends up creating a human being that is extremely lacking in common sense but able to smile sweetly and appear to be a “ good person.” This, overall, is a form of development that is criminal for humanity and the physical world that is the means of each of us to exist. Is this development the very cause of each of our  children becoming adults who smile nicely, yet have no real measure of reality, and then become teachers that really have no common sense development but are very good at teaching the measure of what they are which is to appear to be good at the expense of anything else? And we wonder why our recent graduates have no real practical ability and do not know how to work efficiently because they have never learned to use the ability of the imagination to create and build an abstract that can be mutable and flexible and mold itself conceptually within a direct context and thereby solve problems and as such be stewards of this earth considering all consequences of their actions, actually living a full life , using their sensory ability fully.
The real joy for a child, is to be able to understand multi dimensions as the qualities that are what is the composition of the physical world. It is the understanding that is the reward, thus no prizes really need be given, and all reprimand is the elongation of a mis-take, and not what is a corrective measure. An understanding as a measure of how the physical world works is needed to be walked again as this gives the child the opportunity to look/sense/measure how the physical works. There really is nothing else but this action with all children.
This is teaching a child to read. This is teaching a child to process the information that is the physical world. This is teaching the child that they are building an inner abstract of practical reality, and that they can as a sensory machine, interact and connect and as such, participate in life. This is what the child wants, and yet cannot voice, this is what each parent wants because this is what we would all want for ourselves.
This begins with words, because words are the units of measure as how humans communicate, as this enables a child to explain their abstract of physical reality. As humans the words we know must be many and must have a clear meaning as a movement and an expression. When this is built then words on a page, or on the internet, can be understood. Then, decisions based on an abstract imagination, as what the mind is, have a more stable conception of reality. And, here to realize that an abstract is not actual reality, thus cross reference is always a good policy. We need only look at what has been created as the present structure of men, to see, that our abstract minds are not equal in measure to practical reality, and that this is the way to begin to solve the problems of lack in so many children.
Given that the present system exists as it does, there is a solution to rebuild the abstract of the child, through ensuring that the words are many and of clear measure. This is the Vocabulary Builder of Techno-Tutor. Because of the present structure, busy and stressed parents can rebuild, and or build from the beginning ( 18 months) an abstract as the words that are the unit of measure of practical reality,  an abstract of concrete reality that becomes the directive of the child to process information with ease. This builds a child that has self trust, confidence and self esteem because their abstract is of equal measure to practical reality. The VB is extremely cost effective, and extremely efficient. If we build an inner map, as the concrete mind that is an abstract of practical reality, then we as parents, and educators have developed a child that can read with ease, and as such process information with a greater conceptual ability, eliminating risks that lead to consequences of harm to ourselves and the physical world in which we all live.
I would suggest to investigate the Vocabulary Builder of Techno-Tutor to empower yourself as a parent,  understanding that you can build a child that is confident, has self esteem and a directive capacity that is stable and functional, which can only lead to a child that is very successful in their professions and relationships.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

If our children do not understand the ordinary, how can they become extraordinary?

I remember back in my teens, that a famous violin teacher said that American children did not have the discipline to learn the violin any longer.
If I look at this, I realize that our American children no longer have the ability to slow down and direct themselves with any patience and sense of space and time, here. Spatial ability is simply to be aware of space, which means to see directly.
We see this in our behaviors, and a growing lack of common sense in simple ordinary things.
This means, if I take what I just said, and look at it more closely, that our children have no ability to pay attention to simple ordinary things, and it is walking the ordinary, the order of being a human being on a physical planet, that develops common sense, and as such, the ability to function and reason with self responsibility.
If our children no longer have the patience to learn a musical instrument, how can they learn to be ordinary, meaning give order to things, because it is giving order to things, that develops critical thinking. Within having critical thinking, one looks at the order of here, of what we are as how we exist, and thinks about what is here in divergent ways, in alternative ways, and then comes up with new ways of doing things, with new ways of ordering things. This is what leads to efficiency, and discovery. But if we do not have a sense of the ordinary, then we lose common sense.
I have to then look at the media that has come to be a part of our lives since the advent of television, In all common sense, being ordinary here, myself, what television impulses is excitement, and flashing lights and imagination, as being a lawyer, or a doctor, or a superman, or a criminal. If this becomes the dreams and imagery of the child, the ORDER of the child, then is it any wonder that American children have lost touch with the ordinary? No. And so, such a simple thing,  answers the question as to why American children are falling in the global ranks of development in terms of levels reached in education.
And now, we have teachers who are so concerned with “ data” collection, who themselves are a product of the aforementioned process of disconnect from the ordinary, that it is no wonder that teachers cannot solve the disconnect from the ordinary in our children, because they themselves have lost sense of the ordinary. I mean, anyone who accepts collecting data for some national machine, where that collection of data becomes a distraction within the process of teaching, a skill that really demands absolute focus on the movement of interaction with the children, just as playing the violin must have absolute focus, means that the teachers themselves have really lost a sense of the ability to focus on the ordinary. And remember, the ordinary means to be present within the order of being here, and what it means to move here, measure here, as the physical. I mean this is the only way one learns to play the violin. if I had to be  focused on collecting data, about every measure to what I was doing, and place this  data onto a graph, I would not be able to perform.
This actually, the whole scenario, is a limitation unrealized within this situation. We have teachers who themselves have no sense of the ordinary, because they are a product of the loss of this that has accumulated with each generation measurable in the declining development figures for American children, and we have children that have been impulsed with pictorial imagery that imparts no sense of space and time in the ordinary sense of what it means to exist in space and time as human beings trying to work together and develop what is a curriculum, that in itself is imparted as knowledge and information without any practical application. And our children no longer have the ability to apply in practical ways. I wonder why? How can we expect them to be able to ably with any degree of mastery, when they have never had the opportunity, and those educating them have not had this either.
So, we can begin to see the problem, What we are as mind, is the only thing that exists, and so one picture, as mind, is trying to teach another picture as mind. So, there is no development, to see directly here as neither the teacher or the student has any background of direct interaction, and so, no real sense of the ordinary. And the ordinary, is practical physical reality, because this is where we direct ourselves.
Is it that ADHD is being  “ better diagnosed” or is it that in the last twenty years, the disconnect from the ordinary, has accumulated to the extent that the “ pollution” of compound imagery has created measures of degrees of understanding that are of ambiguous fantasy as pictures that have no sense of the practical and are different in each and every person, to the point where we cannot seem to teach our children  because we cannot teach another an order when there is no ordinary structure within the child, to build any measure of real understanding and common sense.
It really is no wonder that American children cannot play the violin, they are very removed from any sense of reality, and as such lack an ability for critical thinking.
Within this, it is known that the study of music develops critical reasoning ability, and many corporations like to hire, as I have read in the past, people who have studied music, because they have a greater ability to manage, to order things in ways that are productive. So, again, the answer is right in front of us, that understanding the ordinary, leads to having a common sense of reality, that gives the order within to be able to spatially organize the physical reality in which we all exist.
Research also tells us, that vocabulary is an indicator of success overall. Vocabulary is the structure, the measure, of the ordinary, it is the units of description of the tiniest aspects of this physical world. It is not a picture show with bright lights and melodramatic music, it is what is learned to give a sense of the ordinary, as the physical apparatus that gives us the form to live, here.
We also understand, that a child’s first seven years is when the foundation is built. So, if the foundation takes seven years to build, then would it not take another seven years to clean up, to bring back down into what should have been done in the first place, which is to have a sense of the ordinary, to then have the capacity to stand as a responsible adult who can order things in ways that manage this world to move in efficient and functional, productive ways?
And, are we adults doing this? Obviously we are not, or ADD and ADHD would not exist. So, we adults can see, that we are a product of this more intense level of inability to sense the ordinary.
No matter how many new ways of teaching we can come up with, if the children to not knows their words, if they have no measure of the ordinary, they are not going to be able to become critical thinkers who solve problems. And if they cannot solve problems, then they will lose self trust, self esteem and self responsibility. And these children become the adults that create the fabric of society and as we can see, if there is no common sense development, the society will not have much common sense. Just look, the act of blaming the consequences of this, as blaming the child for an absence of common sense, is in itself a lack of responsibility, which means a lack of a sense of the ordinary.
And honestly, if you react to this,  it is because you have lost a sense of the ordinary.
In music, one learns the notes, without pictures, without associations that supposedly help one to remember. One simply learns that an “ a” is an ‘a.” Once this is built, the music can be read for what it is, and there is no associative value, so the processing of the script can happen very fast, with clarity. It is no different with words. If the words are many, and the meaning clear, without associations, then when a child reads a script, or hears the words of another, they can then address what is described without having to process through associations as the pictures, that can also hold relative values, which, as I said, slow down what is intrinsically a natural ability to sense the ordinary.
If the foundation of the child is clear, then the child develops understanding, self trust, self esteem and becomes a responsible adult.  There would be great joy for the child and the adult who had this developed capacity, because the interaction of a community of men who can communicate with ease and solve problems and create new ways of seeing and doing, is what life is really all about.
Techno Tutor is about cleaning up the separation from the ordinary that has happened over time through building a foundation that is equal in measure to the ordinary: the natural order of here where we move ourselves as men. At this point in time, technology can do this much faster then all of us who are a product of this gradual separation from a direct seeing measure of the ordinary.
Considering what people pay to ensure that their children have a common sense measure of the ordinary, as the words that are the structure for communication of the ordinary, Techno Tutor is an extremely cost effective tool to get this done.
When children, who so long to be able to communicate and participate in society, the change is immediate. They become calmer, develop self esteem, self confidence and self responsibility. Such traits naturally lead to a more stable child, who has what it takes to become successful. Do not take my word for this, research what is in every measure an indicator of success, vocabulary. We are the words we know, and the words we know must have clear meanings, unpolluted with ambiguous associations.